Christian HOHMANN

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6 résultats trouvés.

1. Une brève histoire du Lean selon LEI
(Lean Entreprise/Lean Management)
... précise.  L’essence du Lean a été décrite en détail dans le livre The Machine That Changed the World (1990) de James P. Womack, Daniel Roos et Daniel T. Jones. Dans un volume ultérieur, Lean Thinking ...
2. Qu'est-ce que Lean Engineering?
(Lean en conception & développement/Les basiques du Lean en conception & développement)
... publications tout comme le Lean Manufacturing. Dans "The Machine That Changed The World" de James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones & Daniel Roos (Ed. Rawson Associates, 1990), un tableau compare les ...
3. Six Sigma and Industry 4.0
(Read me in English/Read me in English)
Future processes will embed more technology and may become smarter, but they’ll remain processes. This trivial reminder is a hint that use cases for Six Sigma will still exist. Capabilities and deviations ...
4. Theory of Constraints and Industry 4.0
(Read me in English/Read me in English)
Bottlenecks and constraints exist in any environment, any organisation and in all processes regardless to technologies. Hence, Theory of Constraints (ToC) will not be affected by foretold technologic drift ...
5. Why this lean obsession about waste
(Read me in English/Read me in English)
Lean is about waste. Mainly about waste. Obsessive about waste. Wastes are activities that carry costs without adding any value. Reducing wastes is turning these expenses into savings. So far so ...
6. Lean, quelle définition ?
(Lean Entreprise/Lean les basiques)
... more value with less and less. That means less time, less space, less effort, fewer errors. It’s pretty simple. It’s all Lean is. The question is how you do that? Créer de plus en plus de valeur ...