Christian HOHMANN

Depuis 1998 - 2024 26 ans déjà !

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Accueil Prospective - préparer le futur Transformantion digitale When facing a choice, get clarity with the change matrix

When facing a choice, get clarity with the change matrix


The change matrix is primarily a tool to explain why people seem to resist change, but it can be used to make a decision when the appeal of the proposed change is facing some doubts about losing more than gaining. Doing the exercise of filling the matrix should help getting clarity about the plusses and minuses of the change, and base the decision on some rational weighing. In order to understand the matrix and the associated metaphors, I recommend watching the video.

When facing a choice with significant impact on current and future situation

An envisioned or proposed major change in life can be scary. Who never faced the dilemma of daring a change and face the uncertainty or keep everything as is for (../..)

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